Monday 1 August 2011

Importance Of Management Influence

WLCI teaches you Management actions which are very important in life.
Staff Perception Of Management
When I am writing this article my question is Are Managers Mean?According to me, many employees seem to think they are.In training sector both private and public alike, you tend to come across comments criticizing managers for being uncaring, inconsiderate, or the like.
Comments on participant training evaluation forms have included comments like 'this training should be compulsory for all managers'. Such comments show that employees believe that managers need to develop their interpersonal and leadership skills. They also indicate concerns about the way employees feel they are managed...."
The influence management is very significant.
It also teaches How much influence as a leader you have in the organization?
Influence is developed early in the career by working in the trenches, doing your part to master your craft, doing what you say you’ll do and treating others with respect. Add in a dash of helping others…newcomers and those that can use a boost, and suddenly the view on you begins to change.That someone we Respect.

Respect begets trust and trust is the foundation of influence. Leaders have the added challenge of growing influence on the larger field. This Institution help you to understand or enables you to learn where power lies and cultivate your skills in legitimately pursuing power, and you will grow your influence.

3 Keys to Cultivating Power and Growing Influence:

Power is usually waiting for someone to pick it up and run with it.

1. Find problems.
2. Involve others and start fixing the problems with energy and enthusiasm that opens eyes.
3. Create heroes.


  1. Excellent, especially the the concluding part wherein the most important aspect is ti evaluate the pain area, the mnagers with strategic plans striving to be regarded as entreprenuers only if they manage a win-win situation.

  2. Nice One thanks to let us know all the accept
    The last team work suggestion actually work in commercial organization

  3. This is what an organization need to understand i.e the influence of management on the organization. if the above three points r understood then the problem can be solved easily.
    the the most important is that the employee always look upon the management foe the work culture and managements need to influence them.
    a great topic. keep up the gr8 job

  4. very nice blog . every one must actually follow the 3 keys to have a successful career & be a leader
